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How do people with color vision deficiencies see? With our simulator you can develop a feeling for this.

Color blindness simulator

How do people affected by red-green deficiency see? Many people have no idea and those affected find it difficult to describe the color sensation. With our simulations we want to give a picture of the impression. You can also upload your own images.

With our interactive simulator, you can upload images yourself or directly create a picture with your smartphone camera and get an impression of how colorblind people can perceive the current situation.

In this way, you can directly experience how the environment is perceived with red-green deficiency. By the way, there is no such thing as red-green deficiency/blindness. Affected persons are either red- or green-weak or -blind. Therefore, you can only select these forms in our simulator.

Just add your own images to the simulator. Click on the box below drag a file there. Of course, you can also take a photo with your smartphone camera and use it immediately.

Your data remains with you: The generation of the image is directly dynamic. This means that we do not store and process any images or data from you!

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Simulation info

A simulation does not represent the complete reality of affected people.
More information

Normal vision

Save the link directly to the clipboard by clicking the right mouse button.
(Unfortunately does not work in Safari for technical reasons.)

share simulation

Do you want to share the simulation? Then choose one of the prepared links above and refer directly to a predefined type of color vision. For example, you can directly show your friends how you see colors.

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